Our Story, His Glory

In case you haven't popped over and read our "about us" section. Here's some of our story of how we got here....


Around 11 years ago as we were approaching the Christmas season we were living on a very small income. I started thinking about ways to celebrate the season that were free or cheap. At the time we had three young kids and I knew I wanted to do some kind of countdown to anticipate the season.  As I began looking online for free printable and ideas I happened upon a simple Bible Study and I knew that was what my heart had been searching for even my mind didn't realize. We were like most typical Christians at Christmas I think. You know saying things like "Jesus is the reason for the Season", going to church like normal, and singing a few Christmas Carols but mainly consumed with worldly things. We knew Jesus was the meaning of Christmas but did our hearts and minds really dwell on Him? That year changed everything. We read a simple scripture every day together as a family and then my oldest daughter and I would color what our scripture reference was about. We also did a Christmas activity everyday usually free or focused on serving others. That Christmas season we were filled with more Joy then we had ever experienced and when Christmas morning came our hearts were more excited to celebrate the birth of our King rather than our greed. Christmas changed for us that year and every year after only drew us closer to Him and further away from the world. A couple years later as I was putting away the Christmas decor; you know in sweats, mom hair, room temperature coffee, while the kids run around screaming. I was taking ornaments off the tree and felt this "ick" in my heart. You know what I'm talking about. Your lip curls up and you almost get a sour taste in your mouth. I hated these stupid ornaments! I'm putting them in the box and I'm saying to myself "I HATE THIS! I hate all these distractions that focus us on stupid things instead of the Only thing that matters!" Then the lightbulb went off. I'm the mom. This is our home, our family, our tree! We can celebrate Christmas any way we want. We don't have to be conformed to this world. I ran to the garage and got an empty cardboard box from the tower of Christmas trash. I stripped our home that year of all our non-Jesus Christmas decorations and never looked back! Jesus came to give us freedom and life abundantly. My heart is in no way one of legalism or judgement. Just a mom who sees there is so much pulling at our attention, especially our children. I want to align their hearts and mind to Jesus everyday and Christmas can be one of the greatest opportunities to share the Gospel with your family. It took us years to collect our ornaments and build our Jesus Tree and we now use every decoration in our home to point our children to the Cross. 

After seasons of praying and seeking the Lord. Our hearts desire is to work with our children alongside us to encourage families to be Kingdom Minded 365. To use the things in our world and culture to point our families to the Throne of God. So the Jesus Tree was born. We have a small collection this year but we sure to follow us on social media for tips and ideas. We hope to offer many more products, Bible Studies, resources in the future to help you and your family build your own Jesus Tree. 

Thank you for reading our story and we pray your family has a blessed Christ filled Christmas,

The Schrowangs- Jesse, Brooke, Izabelle, Malachi, Micah, Amelia, Emmaline, and Matthias.

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