When to decorate…

When do you decorate for Christmas?

I was stubborn about sticking to the day after Thanksgiving. It was a tradition that I would always adhere to.
Then twins came along… and then the November of RSV and sick kiddos.
I sent the hubby to the store for more meds and he came home with a Christmas tree. Ours had been retired the year before and he knew we needed a new one. So while getting ibuprofen and popsicles he got us a new one as our gift that day. My oldest daughter who was the only healthy kid on the house begged to put it up. So why not? In the mist of sleepless nights and sick babies who couldn’t use some Christmas cheer? So while rocking my littles and wiping noses my husband and daughter put up our Christmas tree. And… it was the BEST! The following year on our anniversary the kids asked if we could decorate for Christmas. It was so hard for me being legalistic about the day after Thanksgiving but with a house full of cute kiddos I couldn’t say no.
It has now become our anniversary mid-November tradition. While I still love Thanksgiving and we remain in “low-key” Christmas mode till December it has really helped me as a mom. We have two birthdays in December and with all the activities we want to do for Christmas getting the house decorated early has really helped me with the Christmas timeline. I don’t feel as rushed to cram all our traditions and projects. The season feels longer and more manageable. I don’t know if I will feel this way when the house gets emptier but for this stage of life it’s been good for this Christmas Mama.

When does your family decorate?

What are some things you do as a mom to not feel so overwhelmed in December?

When your kids remember Christmas as a child what do you want them to remember the most?
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